

  1. North
  2. God
  3. Air/breath
  4. Swords
  5. Mars
  6. Emperor
  7. father
  8. Mental
  9. Intelligence
  10. Mind
  11. breath
  12. Winter
  13. solstice
  14. Wheel: Devil
  15. Christmas
  16. midnight
  17. new moon
  18. conception
  19. gestation & babyhood (total dependence)
  20. Balance: Justice
  21. Gen: man
  22. Matthew




  1. West
  2. Woman
  3. Water
  4. Cups
  5. Moon
  6. High Priestess
  7. sister
  8. Emotional
  9. Feeling
  10. Heart
  11. water/blood
  12. Autumn
  13. equinox
  14. Wheel: Death
  15. Thanksgiving
  16. sunset
  17. third quarter moon
  18. decline/death
  19. elderhood [seniority] (growing dependence)
  20. Balance: Temperance
  21. Gen: fowl and fish
  22. John
  1. East
  2. Man
  3. Fire
  4. Wands
  5. Sun
  6. Magician
  7. brother
  8. Spiritual
  9. Creativity
  10. Soul
  11. spark of life
  12. Spring
  13. equinox
  14. Wheel: Hanged Man
  15. Easter
  16. sunrise
  17. first quarter moon
  18. birth
  19. childhood & teenhood (growing independence)
  20. Balance: Hierophant
  21. Gen: beasts and creepers
  22. Mark



Rainbow Serpent


  1. South
  2. Earth
  3. Earth
  4. Pentacles/Disks
  5. Venus
  6. Empress
  7. mother
  8. Physical
  9. Sensuality
  10. Body
  11. dust
  12. Summer
  13. solstice
  14. Wheel: The Sun
  15. midsummer fests
  16. noon
  17. full moon
  18. growth/life
  19. adulthood (total independence)
  20. Balance: Strength
  21. Gen: cloven and horned
  22. Luke







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