esson 16b: Augury of the Sword of Life


ow can the Sword be manifest within me?

1. Life of Discrimination--Stone Four
On the plus side, I look to the secret hidden aspects of things, rather than the outward appearance. On the minus side, I keep many of my own things hidden, storing up secret 'treasures' in my heart.
2. Integral Life--Grail Knight
Oh, yes, the glamour of the Grail Knight! Let it go.
3. Life of Liberation--Sword Nine
"Get your mind out of the gutter!"
4. The Just Life--Grail Ten
I need to "serve justice" by upholding my commitment to happiness at home.
5. The Life Within--VIII Gawain
A great card for "inner integrity"! This, more than any other, is the card I need to focus on. My knowledge of Gawain as champion of right is one of those treasures I keep locked away in the Stone Four. My *mind* knows he's right, but my selfish *heart* trips him up. (Take smoking for example.) This is my whole problem right now: mind vs. heart. The self knows how to slay dragons, but loves the beasts and lets them run rampant.

Approaching Gawain, I ask him to please take up the sword and assist this damsel in distress. He accompanies me to Stone Four.

"I was here before," I tell him, "and received a beautiful seashell. The beast within is slimy and ugly, but with an attractive exterior. I know people like that!"
"Yes," he replies, "but the inside of a shell, the animal, is what nourishes us! The seashell is just our souvenir. But for the creature to have LIFE, it needs both. And sometimes there's a pearl inside too. The inner beast makes the pearl grow from a grain of sand."
He picks up a tiny bit of sand on his finger to demonstrate, and I take some from hime and put it on my tongue and swallow it.

Next we come to the Grail Knight. I address him: "I've noticed you around." Gawain slashes the air with his sword. The 'glory' fades and a normal mortal man remains. "We've met before, and will meet again, and I'm sure we can be (just) friends then."

Coming to Sword Nine, Gawain says, "Tsk, tsk! This is no way to keep a sword! Grab that out of there." He holds one of my hands to steady me as I reach down with my other hand to retrieve the sword. "I wouldn't want you to fall in," he says, "like you almost did before!" He winks at me. After I have the sword, he instructs me to carry it point upwards, so that the water will flow off and it won't rust.

Traveling long and long, we see Grail Ten in the distance. I want to rush up the path, but Gawain stops me. "I have to leave you now," he says. "What!? I thought you would stay with me and see me through to the end!"

"Now is the time for you to take charge, and fight your way along the path. I've shown you all I can for now, and you must face your future and win your happiness on your own. I have faith in you. And we shall meet again."

I watch him go, then set out on the path, sword still raised high. I dodge the seagulls flying over who try to shit on my head. The path is longer than it seemed . . . .

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